The Clockwork Crow (Hardback) Evoking the classic fantasy adventures of Joan Aiken and Eva Ibbotson, this darkly delightful new novel from New York Times best-selling author Catherine Fisher glimmers with winter magic.
The Clockwork Crow (EBook) Evoking the classic fantasy adventures of Joan Aiken and Eva Ibbotson, this darkly delightful new novel from New York Times best-selling author Catherine Fisher glimmers with winter magic.
The Clockwork Crow (Paperback) “A richly atmospheric page-turner—readers will eagerly anticipate the forthcoming sequel.” —Kirkus Reviews
The Velvet Fox (EBook) In a magical sequel to the award-winning The Clockwork Crow, Seren and Tomos think they’ve bested the fairies who tried to steal them away forever—until Tomos makes the mistake of saying this aloud.
The Velvet Fox (Hardback) In a magical sequel to the award-winning The Clockwork Crow, Seren and Tomos think they’ve bested the fairies who tried to steal them away forever—until Tomos makes the mistake of saying this aloud.