The Catalyst The Wars of Angels Book One (Hardback) In a thrilling debut by Helena Coggan, a girl with a terrible secret is tested to her limits as her fractured world teeters on the brink of war.
The Catalyst The Wars of Angels Book One (EBook) In a thrilling debut by sixteen-year-old Helena Coggan, a girl with a terrible secret is tested to her limits as her fractured world teeters on the brink of war.
The Reaction The Wars of Angels Book Two (EBook) In the explosive follow-up to The Catalyst, Rose Elmsworth faces a looming war as the world crumbles around her and shocking secrets come to light.
The Reaction The Wars of Angels Book Two (Hardback) In the explosive follow-up to The Catalyst, Rose Elmsworth faces a looming war as the world crumbles around her and shocking secrets come to light.